天道虫吉祥てぬぐい Towel with auspicious design of Ladybug

日本古来のめでたい柄・吉祥文様とてんとうむしを組み合わせて、いっそうめでたい天道虫吉祥てぬぐい 』 として毎年発表しています。てぬぐいは注染という伝統技法で染めています。storeでご購入いただけます。
Every year, we combine the traditional Japanese auspicious pattern with the ladybug to create a more auspicious design called "Tentoumushi kissyou tenugui". The tenugui is dyed using the traditional Japanese technique "Chusen".

You can buy them in our store.


七宝は同じ大きさの円を四分の一ずつ重ねて繋いで ゆく文様で、有職文では「輪違い」と呼びます。 平和や円満を意味する輪の交叉から成る文様のため 「無限の平和」「無限の子孫繁栄」をあらわします。

Ladybug and Cloisonne Connection(flower)
Cloisonne is a pattern in which circles of the same size are piled up one on top of the other and joined together.  This pattern is made up of intersecting rings, meaning peace and contentment, and thus represents "infinite peace" and "infinite prosperity of descendants.


波を扇形に描き表した幾何学模様。 大海原に絶えず寄せ来る穏やかな波のように「幸せが繰り返し訪れる」「平穏な暮しがいつまでも続く」との雄大な意味を持つ文様です。



Qinghai Waves and Ladybugs(Colorful Autumn)

This geometric pattern depicts waves in the shape of a fan. Like the gentle waves that constantly come in and out of the ocean, this pattern has the grand meaning of "Happiness will come again and again" and "Peaceful life will last forever.


A front-facing ladybug is peeking out from between the waves. They are coming towards us to bring happiness.


日本の伝統的な文様で、とても 縁起が良いとされています。 水蒸気が立ち上る様子を文様に したもので、その上昇する様子 から”運気上昇””発展”の意味を持 ちます。

Ladybug and water vaporlapis lazuli and quartz)

This is a traditional Japanese pattern and is considered to be very auspicious. The pattern is based on the appearance of rising water vapor, and has the meaning of "rising fortune" and "development" because of the way it rises.


山葡萄唐草天道 山の恵み(春の朝)

葡萄は実をたくさんつける事から子孫繁栄、多幸をあらわします。 天道虫は神様のお使いと言われており幸せを運ぶ虫です。青い鳥は幸福の象徴です。



Bressings of the Mountains

Wild grape arabesque & Ladybug(spring morning)

Grapes, which bear many fruits, represent prosperity and good fortune. The ladybug is said to be a messenger of God and brings happiness. The blue bird is a symbol of happiness.


麻の葉は古来より神事に使わ れる魔除けの文様です。 成長が早いことから、子どもの健やかな成長を願う柄としてもよく使われました。てんとうむしのお母さんはエサがたくさんいる葉に卵を生みます。




Ladybugs and Hemp leaf (Summer Garden)

Hemp leaf is an amulet pattern that has been used in Shinto ritu- als since ancient times.
Hemp grows quickly,so it is meaning that wishes for the healthygrowth of children.It was often used.

Ladybugs' mother lays eggs on leaves that are full of food. Ladybug children eat a lot, grow up quickly, and take off energeti- cally.


七宝は同じ大きさの円を四分の一ずつ重ねて繋いで ゆく文様で、有職文では「輪違い」と呼びます。 平和や円満を意味する輪の交叉から成る文様のため 「無限の平和」「無限の子孫繁栄」をあらわします。

Ladybug and Cloisonne Connection(sky)
Cloisonne is a pattern in which circles of the same size are piled up one on top of the other and joined together.  This pattern is made up of intersecting rings, meaning peace and contentment, and thus represents "infinite peace" and "infinite prosperity of descendants.


波を扇形に描き表した幾何学模様。 大海原に絶えず寄せ来る穏やかな波のように「幸せが繰り返し訪れる」「平穏な暮しがいつまでも続く」との雄大な意味を持つ文様です。



Qinghai Waves and Ladybugs(Midwinter)

This geometric pattern depicts waves in the shape of a fan. Like the gentle waves that constantly come in and out of the ocean, this pattern has the grand meaning of "Happiness will come again and again" and "Peaceful life will last forever.


A front-facing ladybug is peeking out from between the waves. They are coming towards us to bring happiness.


日本の伝統的な文様で、とても 縁起が良いとされています。 水蒸気が立ち上る様子を文様に したもので、その上昇する様子から”運気上昇””発展”の意味を持ちます。


Ladybug and water vapor(Crimson)

This is a traditional Japanese pattern and is considered to be very auspicious. The pattern is based on the appearance of rising water vapor, and has the meaning of "rising fortune" and "development" because of the way it rises. 


山葡萄唐草天道 山の恵み(夏の宵)

葡萄は実をたくさんつける事から子孫繁栄、多幸をあらわします。 天道虫は神様のお使いと言われており幸せを運ぶ虫です。青い鳥は幸福の象徴です。



Bressings of the Mountains

Wild grape arabesque & Ladybug(summer evening)

Grapes, which bear many fruits, represent prosperity and good fortune. The ladybug is said to be a messenger of God and brings happiness. The blue bird is a symbol of happiness.


麻の葉は古来より神事に使わ れる魔除けの文様です。 成長が早いことから、子どもの健やかな成長を願う柄としてもよく使われました。てんとうむしのお母さんはエサがたくさんいる葉に卵を生みます。




Ladybugs and Hemp leaf (Autumn Garden)

Hemp leaf is an amulet pattern that has been used in Shinto ritu- als since ancient times.
Hemp grows quickly,so it is meaning that wishes for the healthygrowth of children.It was often used.

Ladybugs' mother lays eggs on leaves that are full of food. Ladybug children eat a lot, grow up quickly, and take off energeti- cally.


七宝は同じ大きさの円を四分の一ずつ重ねて繋いで ゆく文様で、有職文では「輪違い」と呼びます。 平和や円満を意味する輪の交叉から成る文様のため 「無限の平和」「無限の子孫繁栄」をあらわします。


Ladybug and Cloisonne Connection(profound)
Cloisonne is a pattern in which circles of the same size are piled up one on top of the other and joined together.  This pattern is made up of intersecting rings, meaning peace and contentment, and thus represents "infinite peace" and "infinite prosperity of descendants.


波を扇形に描き表した幾何学模様。 大海原に絶えず寄せ来る穏やかな波のように「幸せが繰り返し訪れる」「平穏な暮しがいつまでも続く」との雄大な意味を持つ文様です。



Qinghai Waves and Ladybugs(Midsummer)

This geometric pattern depicts waves in the shape of a fan. Like the gentle waves that constantly come in and out of the ocean, this pattern has the grand meaning of "Happiness will come again and again" and "Peaceful life will last forever.


A front-facing ladybug is peeking out from between the waves. They are coming towards us to bring happiness.


日本の伝統的な文様で、とても 縁起が良いとされています。 水蒸気が立ち上る様子を文様に したもので、その上昇する様子から”運気上昇””発展”の意味を持ちます。


Ladybug and water vapor(Edo purple)

This is a traditional Japanese pattern and is considered to be very auspicious. The pattern is based on the appearance of rising water vapor, and has the meaning of "rising fortune" and "development" because of the way it rises. 






Bressings of the sea(Eternal life and wisdom)

We feel that the blessings of the eternal sea have a mysterious sign with the sky and land. 

We can see a magnificent universe in these tiny creatures. This turtle shell pattern repre-sents the wisdom and longevity of the turtles that have quietly watched over the sea.


麻の葉は古来より神事に使わ れる魔除けの文様です。 成長が早いことから、子どもの健やかな成長を願う柄としてもよく使われました。てんとうむしのお母さんはエサがたくさんいる葉に卵を生みます。




Ladybugs and Hemp leaf (Spring Garden)

Hemp leaf is an amulet pattern that has been used in Shinto ritu- als since ancient times.
Hemp grows quickly,so it is meaning that wishes for the healthygrowth of children.It was often used.

Ladybugs' mother lays eggs on leaves that are full of food. Ladybug children eat a lot, grow up quickly, and take off energeti- cally.